Ring Tattoos- Why We Got Them & What to Expect


I’m not usually one to rock the boat, but when my husband suggested we get ring tattoos I fell in love with the idea (and a little scared!).

I really began thinking about it and if it was wrong or necessary. I know that loads of Christians have them, but many other Christians also despise them, so what’s the catch?

I thought about going into the theology and Biblical response to the issue, but I’m not a theologian or ministry major or anything close, so I will let you read those things yourself. I did my own research and praying, and ultimately I came to the conclusion that getting a tattoo is like many other subjects in life, and the real question is WHY are you choosing to do it?

**Disclaimer: I am a firm Bible believer, so when I say “other subjects” I am not talking about topics that the Bible specifically define as wrong or sinful (lying, sex before marriage, divorce, stealing, etc.).

So what is my why? Or, our why? Because ultimately it was a joint decision between my husband and I, and because of that I believe I owed him that much more thoughtfulness into my decision than something that would just affect myself.

Previously, when we were dating, we faced sexual temptations like many people do (just being real, and let’s be honest, everyone faces this) and because of that I felt called for us to either break it off or choose to get married. Might seem blunt, but why else are you together? Anyway, before I get off topic—we felt God calling us to get married, despite our age or other challenging factors, because above all other factors we wanted to glorify Him with our actions.

I knew that I wanted to be with my husband and he felt the same, so there was nothing else to consider that God couldn’t handle (AMEN?!). I believe marriage to be an incredible creation of God and something that I should cherish and shout to the rooftops about in every way that I can (because the world doesn’t do enough of this today!), so when the idea of the tattoos came up, my thought became, what better way to show God we are in this for the long haul and glorify this beautiful relationship we have with him?

Yes, we have rings, and my ring ultimately does that same thing for me, but I wanted something that I would never lose or be without—even when I forget my ring or have it off because I am painting, working out, or whatever else it might be.

I’m not trying to get spiritual or emotional about a little tattoo, but in a way it is. It’s a serious commitment, and in a little way just like marriage. Both things are intended to last forever, and both things I intend to keep that way.

I suppose my point is that no matter the topic or decision, why are you doing it? Is the motivation glorifying or simply self-gratifying? Sometimes self gratification is okay (I mean, I’m dying to get a nice massage over here), but I believe all of life is a reflection of our hearts and how God is working in our lives, and because of that our decisions should clearly show people who we are honoring and what we are living for.

So are tattoos right or wrong? I honestly don’t have a solid, “correct” answer for that, but what I do know is that our reason for getting them was to show God we honor this relationship with our whole selves and we our one. Whether right or wrong, I believe at least our hearts are in the right place and I’m okay with that.

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Lastly, if you truly are planning to do this, I thought I would share a little bit of what to expect.

FIrst off, the pain isn’t as bad as I thought. Totally worth it and scaredy-cat approved. It’s not that the pain is very strong, just that it is constant while they are doing the tattoo, so prolonged annoyance I suppose. You will have a soreness directly following and possibly for a couple hours or a day or too, but it seriously not that bad!

One other thing to note: ring/finger tattoos are the worst for fading and needing redone. That was one thing we didn’t know and bummed me out a little, but here’s a tip for you: We found a place that charges a little more up front, but our tattoo artist will do as many touch-ups as we need to keep the tattoo looking fresh and nice because they are aware of the problem! Bingo. Done.

Lastly, I just really love my tattoo and would highly recommend going ahead if you are considering getting one. Don’t psych yourself out. Just make the call. I can’t say for sure, but if you’ve put the thought and consideration into it you aren’t going to regret it!

So would you get a ring tattoo? What would it look like?