5 Christian Wedding Ideas That Are Easy To Incorporate

How’s the wedding planning going?

Are you about ready to just elope and call it a day?

Jk, jk, I promise you all the work is worth it in the end!

I’m not sure where you are in the process, but if you are a Christian and want to incorporate faith elements into your special day, then I have a few ideas for you that won’t create too much extra work and you can easily fit into details you’ve already worked so hard at.

Okay, so I’m back-tracking a little, but this first one is something really important and it won’t add any extra work or $$$ into your wedding day plans (thank goodness!!). But don’t worry, the others are ideas for your actual wedding!

1. Christian Premarital Counseling (Free & Online!)

If you’ve already done this or have it planned with your pastor, that amazing, but if not, please don’t skip this one! I know it seems silly to some people to get counseling before the marriage even starts, but this is different—start your marriage off on the right foot by learning more about how your fiance feels about touchy subjects, and create a solid foundation with your core faith beliefs so that they don’t cause issues later on. I mean, Jesus tells us to be equally yolked, so this is no joke. These conversations were so important for my husband and I, and it gave us new conversation ideas and helped us consider things we didn’t think to talk about before as well as convicted us to take the marriage process seriously and make decisions that would benefit us down the road.

Plus, we were long distance and did it online for free!!!

Don’t knock this guys, the program we used was so amazing (and just fun, honestly) and I highly recommend it! It’s called Prologue, and if you take nothing else from this list, check out Prologue :)

2. Prayer Before the Ceremony (& Pictures!)

This one might seem obvious, but sometimes we get so caught up in the nerves of the day that we might forget about giving up our emotions and hopes to God, who is more excited than anyone to take care of us and our new husband! I absolutely love group prayers, including you (the bride) with your bridesmaids, your future husband with his groomsmen, or a prayer with your parents or at the first look (or blindfolded if you don’t want to see each other!)

Not only do these make such special moments to capture on camera and look back on later (pleaseeeee have your photographer catch the prayers!), but they also help you remember why you are really choosing to say yes, what that means, and give you a blanket of peace that your heavenly Father is watching over your big day. He’s taking care of every single emotion and detail!!

If you need a little inspo, how gorgeous is this photo?!

3. Ring Bible & Bible Guest Book (Get Your Bible Customized!)

This is is a two-fer because you might as well get more bang for your buck. The traditional thing to do is have your ring bearer holding a little pillow, but how special would it be to have the ring sitting on a Bible, and possibly even one that is customized for you and your husband and can be a keepsake forever?!

Then you can turn around and use that Bible at your reception and have all of your guests sign it in the margins, and just like that you have the most special book filled with the most special notes and memories and wisdom. I can’t get enough of this combo, and if you want to check out a custom Bible for yourself, head over to Ross Paint Shop and you can get your own bridal flowers, name, date and more painted onto a journaling Bible! You can also find signs to go with the Bibles and pens and highlighters safe for using in your Bible.

4. Christian Wedding Vows

Whether you want to use traditional vows or write your own, this is probably the most significant way to incorporate your faith into your wedding (along with having the ceremony at a church!), but it’s also not that complicated. Using Christian vows are a great way to go an extra step in honoring God with your unity and sharing that significance with your friends and family, so don’t take that part lightly!

If you want to pour your heart out into hand written or just more customized vows, I think this blog post shares some great tips and inspo so that you don’t have to feel totally intimidated and uncertain of where to begin. I honestly think the most important thing is just speaking from the heart and sharing why this union is so significant and powerful in Christ, and how your fiance has makes the possibility of such a partnership so exciting and hopeful.

I even created an entire Pinterest board with inspiration and tips for how to write your Christian vows, so I hope that helps you out!

5. Add Statement Faith Decor Pieces

This one isn’t super specific, but I just wanted to share some decor inspiration that is stunning and adds SO much to your wedding. I also want to encourage you to make the Christian/biblical aspect a focal point or large piece, either at your ceremony or reception, and you can do that with these big pieces.

I love a cross at the ceremony as well as huge backdrops and massive drape pieces that are covered in special verses, and this is the perfect way to remind people of why you are getting married and how love and marriage can be so powerful. Whether you have little signs on every table or a huge one behind the main table (or as a photo op!), make your own or peruse through Etsy, there are so many ways to add Bible verses, and crosses and Jesus!) into your big day!

I hope a few of these ideas get you excited to add Christian touches to your wedding without seeming like too much work! I found at my own wedding that a little goes a long way, so get creative and see how you could incorporate some these in without adding any extra stress. In the end you can be reminded of Jesus every step of the way through your big day, and what could be better or more special??

How are you incorporating faith into your wedding? I’d love to hear!